Kim: August 2009 Archives
I'm generally not a complainer. Really, I'm not. But I recently had a travel experience so hellacious that I can't keep quiet. It was enough to make me give up air travel forever. Clearly, I need to get this out of my system as walking across America to market Dry Creek wines is not an option. My journey started on a flight from San Francisco to JFK. I had a connecting flight to Portland, Maine, my final destination. I should have known things were not in my favor when we shoved off an hour and a half late and the flight attendants announced there was no potable water on board. The long flight to NY was then delayed by an hour of circling the airport due to bad weather. Another hour and half was spent sitting on the tarmac. This was blamed on our gate not being ready. Never mind that everywhere we looked, there were open gates. When we finally deplaned, we were told all flights to Portland, Maine had been cancelled for the night. Ok, I guess you can't argue with Mother Nature but it seemed odd that the sky was clear and the ground dry.Hundreds of weary travelers proceeded to line up in the Distressed Traveler line. I was not aware of this term. Apparently pr What was most frustrating about this experience was the lack of customer service displayed by the airline. They were dreadfully understaffed, and the few staff available were complacent and indifferent. I know it's hard to find employees in the middle of the night, but that's when you call the boss and say help! If he or she is not available, someone else needs to simply take charge. As you can guess, this did not happen. Not once, did someone address the expanding group of stranded travelers. No apologies, no compassion, no concern. We finally got rebooked on a flight to Boston which didn't leave until late the following day. When I arrived, my bags were lost. It wasn't the standstill on the tarmac. It wasn't the delayed landing. It wasn't the cancelled flight. It wasn't the lost bags. What peeved me the most was the complete lack of customer care. As paying customers who had faced a multitude of disappointments, we needed a little compassion and TLC. Instead, we were greeted with indifference, incompetence, and absolutely no consolation (hotel vouchers, etc.) for our misfortune. So, I'm joining thousands of other Americans in support of a Passenger's Bill of Rights for air travel. Kate Hanni, founder of the group, has been tirelessly pushing for legislation since her dreadful 13 hour experience in 2006. (For you wine country watchers, Kate is master sommelier Tim Hanni's wife in Napa.) This week, the Coalition for an Airline Passenger's Bill of Rights will be advocating to the top dog himself, President Obama, as he vacations on Martha's Vineyard. While it's doubtful that Air Force One encounters the same problems as the rest of us, I hope the President will support this legislation. It would make life just a little kinder and gentler for us all. Either that, or they better start serving some decent wines on board! |
For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to come up with a company tagline. Something that captures the essence of who we are and what we do. A combination of words that accurately and memorably sums up our raison d'etre. Of course, profound would be good too. But most of all, it needs to be believable so I won't cringe every time I see it on our business cards, marketing materials, website, etc.
This is not easy to do. Most taglines, in my humble opinion, are predictable and trite, at best. Wine industry taglines are among the worst. I don't know about you, but Indulge Your Senses does nothing for me. On the other hand, the Ritz Carlton Hotel chain has one of the best: We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen. Now that one really works. I immediately get their commitment to customer service. Years ago, my father used to say Life is too short to drink bad wine. I'm not sure if he coined the term, or someone else did, but for a while we sold t-shirts in the tasting room emblazoned with this slogan. And we proudly proclaimed it as our company mantra. Fast forward a couple of decades and I want to come up with a tagline that captures the essence of our family winery today. For help, I went through a creative process with fellow blogger, Jay Ehret of Incidentally, if you're a small business owner, I highly recommend reading Jay's blog and going through his 7 step program of defining your company's mission, values and brand promise. We've had numerous brainstorming sessions but we're not done. For now, we've settled on Family Winemaking Since 1972. I know, I know it's a bit boring and not all that clever or creative (or sticky to use Jay's term) but it does convey authenticity, passion, and integrityour company's core values. To see how we've begun using it check out our new home page at Taking time to contemplate this stuff takes just that--time. But, it's a well spent exercise that can help pinpoint your company's message and flush out any inconsistencies along the way. And if you come up with a good tagline, all the better! Here are some of our other ideas. While I like them, most sound more like an advertising slogan than a tagline to me. If you have any brilliant ideas to add to the list, I'd love to hear. Lord knows I could use the help! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blogger's Disclaimer: This post is full of shameless self promotion. It's not intended to offend nor is it meant to tick anyone off. I simply need a place to brag and for today, this is it! I love good news. And, high scores on new release wines are always a welcome bit of news. I've always treated press reviews (scores) with a little apprehension. When you get em, great. But when you don't, it's not such a big deal or at the very least, it's not worth sweating bullets over. Wines come in as many different styles as human beings do. There are fat ones, skinny ones, short ones, tall. White ones, black ones, pink ones, small. And, just like people, there's a special wine out there for everyone. So, when a respected pundit doesn't like a new release, I usually shrug my shoulders and say, oh well. Because that's about all I can do. But when a good review comes in, I secretly jump up and down and thank my lucky stars. It's not too dissimilar to watching your kid nail a line drive down the left field line. Sheer joy and pride fill the heart. That's how I feel now. Not one but two great reviews have crossed my desk that made my heart burst with pride. The first is an 89 point score for our brand new 2008 Sauvignon Blanc. If you're a regular Wilma reader, you know that this new debut (in our Sauvignon Blanc line up) is a bit of a departure for us stylistically. And, while we think it's damn good, one can never predict the taste buds of the critics. The other review is a 91 point rating and Best Buy selection for our 2007 Chardonnay. Now, I gotta admit that one feels particularly satisfying as we have worked extremely hard to improve our Chardonnay program. There were lots of whoops and hollers in the cellar as word got around the winery. We've certainly had our fair share of ups and downs in the wine review department. But I'll never forget the time we happily touted a As a wine marketer, I've learned to do the best I can with the tools I havewhether they be scores, resources, or people. But when all else fails, I just laugh and tell myself it's only wine we're talking about here. And then I quickly pour myself a glass. |
This is a blog about what it's really like to be in the wine sit back, take a sip and enjoy!
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A Lifetime in Wine
Top 10 Traits of the Successful Family Winery
The Dreaded Family Meeting
Board Meeting Jitters
Is the Future of the Winery in Danger?
The Case of the Overweight Bottle
Wine and Dementia
Wanted: Talented (Normal) Individual for Family Owned Winery
A Sea of Wine
The Heroes of Our Industry
monthly archives
Hopes & Dreams
Owning a Coastal Cottage
Sailing for 6 Months
Getting a 100 Point Score

Favorite Haunts
Coast of Maine
Dry Creek General Store
Dry Creek Kitchen
Healdsburg Bar & Grill
Sonoma Country Antiques
Baci Cafe & Wine Bar
The Farmhouse
Istanbul's Grand Bazaar
Bad Ass Coffee
Bistro Ralph

Bits of Press
Food & Wine Magazine
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Wine Enthusiast
Wine Spectator
Press Democrat
Sunset Magazine
Connoisseurs' Guide
Dan Berger's Vintage Experiences
Cruising World Magazine
Oprah Magazine
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Coastal Living Magazine
Wine & Spirits Magazine
People Magazine
SAG Awards Magazine
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Coastal Living
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Connoisseurs' Guide
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Blog Buddy List
Hip Tastes
Pinot Blogger
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Julia Flynn Siler
Winery Web Site Report
The Pour - Eric Asimov
Dr Vino
Steve Heimoff
Start Up Ladies
Good Wine Under $20
Blind Muscat
The Wineroad Blog
Gabe's View
Wine Peeps
Vici Vino
Cellarmistress' Cellar Talk
Uncork Life
WineVine-Imports Blog
The Wine Witch

Honorable Mentions
Wilma Hits The World of Blogs
Most Intriguing New Wine Blogs of 2008
Midwest Wine Guy
Winery of the Month
Julia Flynn Siler
Meritage wines - and a fascinating glimpse into family business
Winery Web Site Report
New Winery Blog: Wilma's Wine World
Start Up Ladies
Insider's View of Family Owned Dry Creek Vineyard
The Glue that Keeps the Whole Thing Going
Atlanta Dish
Blog of the Week
Blind Muscat
The Merits of Meritage
Boston Wine Expo exhibitors, and the reason why winemakers are so darn happy